
Process your Business, Part 2Ā 

by Sean Foster | December 03, 2020 | Newsletter

Wow, I was blown away by how much feedback I got from my last News Brief on processing your business.Ā Ā 

If you just glanced over it and would like to have another look, you can access itĀ here.

Most owners aspire to having a systemised business: their nearest analogy being McDonaldā€™s, and why not?

The benefit of having a systemised business is not too dissimilar to how a McDonaldā€™s benefits:


  • Business is not key person or key role dependant
  • Consistency in many areas of the business
  • Less hecticness
  • Usually better profitability
  • Makes for a more attractive, sellable business
  • You the owner can become more of a "shareholder" and less of a "worker" ā€“ regain your work-life balance

If the above is you, i.e.Ā your business isĀ enĀ routeĀ toĀ becoming systemized, orĀ you would love to create a business that operates onĀ "auto-pilot"Ā then it is on offer.

Happy to sit down with you (on the house of course),Ā to see if you and your businessĀ areĀ ready for this stage.

Just book a sessionĀ here.

In the last email, I included a link to the eBook:Ā 7 Steps to Systemise Your BusinessĀ (if you want it, just click the link.)

But there is one thing missing!

How or where do you store your systemised process so that:


  1. It is easy to create (simple or not complex)
  1. It is easy to find (you donā€™t want to have a zillion documents that you forget where they are filed.
  1. It is safe ā€“ hey this is your IP, it needs to be safe
  1. It is not going to cost you an arm and a leg.

So, hereā€™s the deal.

If you want to Process or Systemise your business, in my books that makes you a winner.

And you know, winners create their own luck, so to keep your luck running, I am offering you a full hour of complimentary coaching so that you can systemize your business.

But wait, there is more šŸ˜Š, also included are the templates (completely free again), so that you can perpetually store and retrieve all the information.

The catch?

You have to reply to this email with the reply: "Iā€™m in".

This email has landed in your inbox at exactly the right time, Sean.

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